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Ces alliés peuvent être des organisations internationales, des organisations régionales, des organisations nationales ou locales. Lire+



Alliance for a responsible, plural and united world

The Alliance is an informal network made of people, institutions and movements that are aware of the complexity of contemporary problems and seek to find the necessary mutations so that we can together act upon the future. This network has generated a social dynamics and is inventing new forms of collective action.

Web site: www.alliance21.org



The Alliance pour Refonder la Gouvernance en Afrique(ARGA) consists of African and non-African actors convinced that peace and development in Africa are subject to a profound re-examination of the foundations, not just the reform of regulations for Public Affairs. ARGA contributes to the development of African thought and an African project of governance.

Web site: http://www.afrique-gouvernance.net/


Bergerie de Villarceaux

The Bergerie Villarceaux gather different structures working together to the sustainable develop of Villarceaux. Their main objectives are: the sustainable management of land, educate and inform our stakeholders on environmental conservation, economic solidarity, and sustainable consumption, engage in discussions and experiments on the sustainable development of rural areas.
Web site: http://www.bergerie-villarceaux.org/



The Confederation of family farmers of MERCOSUR is a permanent forum for discussion and definitions of common strategies to lead a union action of representation and defense of the poorer sectors of rural producers, faced with a process of globalization and regional integration that does not provide anything but a worsening increasing marginalization of the AFC.

Web site: http://www.coprofam.org/




The Confederation of websites for a worldwide democracy is a confederation which brings partners together with a charter, a search engine and a wiki.

Web site: http://fr.coredem.info/



The idea of the dph database of experiences was born in 1986 from the desire to link people and groups working towards the construction of a responsible world of solidarities. We hope to make both memory and experiential reflection available on this resource site. We also hope to enhance the analysis and the experiences through an easy search process and the availability of results that can prove useful to citizens’ actions.

Web site: http://www.d-p-h.info/


Editions Charles Léopold Mayer

The Editions Charles Leopold Mayer publishes analysis, discussions and proposals to renew the practices and modes of action being developed at both local and global society in search of alternatives and ideas.

Web site: http://www.eclm.fr/


FLAG. Latin American forum on governance

The FLAG is the Latin American program of the Institute for research and debate on governance (IRG). Its mission is to build a space of intellectual production, exchange of experiences and discussion on the challenges of governance in Latinoamérica. The activities are linked to the thematic programs of the IRG.

Site web: http://flag.institut-gouvernance.org/



FnGM. Forum for a new world governance

The forum for a new world governance is a space for reflection about the state of governance in the world and the possible ways to its necessary overhaul .

Web site: http://www.world-governance.org/


IBASE. Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analyses

In the early 80s Ibase was founded, a non-partisan and non-religious institution dedicated to democratize information on the economic, political and social reality in Brazil.

Web site: http://www.ibase.br/



Inf'OGM is a recognized association of general interest which analize the world news on GMOs and biotechnology. Its mission is to enable and nurture the democratic debate with critical information, independent and accessible to all.

Web site: http://www.infogm.org/


IRE. International Initiative for Rethinking the Economy

Created and supported by the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation, IRE’s mission is to encourage the emergence of new proposals in the economic domain. Its work consists in identifying the themes and proposals that call for innovation, significantly impact the life of societies and lend themselves to practical applications.

Web site: http://www.i-r-e.org/



IRG. Institute for Research and debate on Governance

The Institute for research and debate on governance is a « think tank » based in Paris, with an office in Bogota. Born of an FPH initiative, its mission is to facilitate debate on governance by delivering expertise, setting up training modules, organising seminars and gathering and disseminating documentation (website and publications).

Web site: http://www.institut-gouvernance.org/


Réseau Semences Paysannes

The Peasant Seed Network initiated by a multiplicity of actors brings together nearly 50 very diverse member organizations. Its missions revolve around: development and networking initiatives promoting biodiversity on farms and gardens, the public awareness on issues related to production and marketing of seeds, a recognition by the rules, institutions and research laboratories of seed farming.

Web site: http://www.semencespaysannes.org/




Pour la Transition, une économie du partage de la connaissance et des biens communs.


Action de science participative originale menée à Brest et à Lorient en partenariat avec Plancton du Monde.


24 de mayo 2014: visita y charlas en Vinaroz, región de Valencia.