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Carla Estrada


When society changes, does the university change?



Throughout history, the functions of the university have generated controversy. Traditionally the university has been perceived as disseminator of knowledge, if so, will be devoted to research? Or is teaching its only function?, Should the university be the elite of society, or should be used for the common people? Whatever the choice that each of the institutions have been made as to its functions and objectives, the university has managed to remain the intellectual bastion of society.


Today, as ever before we witness a changing society, communications, human relations, environment and mainly social structures have undergone dramatic changes. We live a turning point, it seems that human beings must change their lifestyles, consumer styles, interaction with each other and with the environment to make their own existence a sustainable project.


The university, in its various forms and with few exceptions, has proven to be an institution rather static compared to the rapid mutation that society has suffered, seem to be equally or more concerned about maintaining their position, both academically and in the market, than the accompaniment to the challenges imposed on us as human beings.

On the occasion of two conferences held in Ho Chi Minh City[1], last October, more than 70 experts from all over the world could share their experiences and insights into the way that the university should be drawn.

In general, the diagnoses were consistent: the university must change, because today the needs of society are not the same.


What does this mean?, That the university should include the complexity in itself, creating new dynamic procedures, integrating new technologies, encouraging their own students from the potentialities of each putting emphasis on experience, innovation and the cooperative work. It means that the university should talk to their context, giving the tools to enable their students thrive in a global world but always in connection with their local community, in this sense universities must be "glocal".


Politically, the university should be defined as a democratic institution, which guarantees access but also make a commitment to continuity, success and employability of its students as part of a quality education. But it also must engage with all actors involved in the process, establishing responsibilities and generating participation within it, this governance will give back legitimacy and commitment of its actors.


But above all, the university must be responsible with the rest of society, this should be translated into more democratic and participatory procedures, but also in content, most related to what is currently happening in their world. The university should be able to build citizenship, contribute to solving the rural exodus, social inequality, unemployment, environmental devastation, irrational consumption, violence, etc.. and not be a factor of perpetuation of the practices that have led us to this point.


The process initiated for the construction of the  Sustainable Earth International University takes these challenges and commitment to training of social leaders, in the way of recognizing the value of traditional knowledge in relation to the global context. It is thus an innovative initiative that emphasizes the role of social movements as generators of change while seeking to interconnect and create synergies between the different experiences and people and between these same social movements and traditional academic centers interested in these major challenges.


For more traditional universities, in turn, bring about this change could mean a catastrophe in its midst, many institutions will probably not enter the challenge and will maintain its prestigious position without exposure to this revolution. Those who dare, the most innovative may look in the mirror with pride and tell themselves they have rise to the occasion.


[1] October 16 - 17, 2009 Which university for the 21th century?, organized by TriViet International University Project. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
October 19 - 20, 2009, Developing higher education: lessons from experience, organized by Hoa Sen University. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


Carla Estrada Jopia is journalist and project manager in Almedio Consultores.

Download the complete sistematization document of both conferences. (pdf, eng)


Also see:

UITC meeting in Reñaca (Chile), link

Specifications for a university of the 21st century; Elements to nourish reflection; By Pierre Calame, link




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