Did you know?

La gestion en bien commun constitue aujourd’hui un patrimoine millénaire de connaissances citoyennes, de savoir-faire et de formes d’organisation et de régulation qui se projettent vers l’avenir - Voir la rencontre de Guérande. Lire+

Wednesday July 1:

14:00: Exchange session around the field visits. Photos

16:00: Turn of presentation of the partners and their initiatives. Photos

Thursday July 2:

09:00 : Work in 3 groups around the 3 Sustainable Earth axes. Objective: to include/understand the actions of the ones and others, to identify the bonds among the intiatives, synthesis of the most important information elements  .

Around the three topics:

Friday July 3:

09:00 : Presentation of Sustainable Earth Alliance actions and proyects by Pierre Vuarin. Pdf (Fr)

10:00 : Regrouping  according to shared interests around 10 poles.
These 10 work groups meet in 2 meetings (5 parallel workshops then the 5 following). Objective: to look for common initiatives, to start levels of  commitment of each one, to outline process of collective work.

  • Food sovereignty, collection of cases on instruments of agricultural policy, World convention food, Strategy FAO . Pdf (ES)
  • Artisanal fishing label . Pdf (FR)
  • Food chains in Africa, locating sustainables chains.Pdf (FR)
  • Collective catering (Africa – Europe – Latine A). Pdf (FR)
  • The land question in Latin America. Pdf (FR)
  • UITC – e-learning, social leaders training, regrouping Latine America. Pdf (ES)
  • Artisanal fishing in Africa: Lake Tchad and Lake Victoria. Pdf (EN)
  • Natural ressources: Mines, dams and extraction places and charter. Pdf (FR)
  • Relations: China Africa, China Europe. Pdf (FR)
  • Network of Sustainable Earth reception places,  of territories and diffusion on the web site. Pdf (FR)

Saturday July 4:

  • Restitution work of the 10 groups and general debate.

Presentation of specific actions:

  • Coredem: confederation of websites of citizen ressources
  • Sustainable Earth website: spearhead of the alliance
  • Partners web sites: sites targeted to diffuse information
  • Ecadims: case studies with multiple glances Dimanche 5 juillet:
  • Exchange with José Bové, european deputy
  • Agenda for common actions



Pour la Transition, une économie du partage de la connaissance et des biens communs.


Action de science participative originale menée à Brest et à Lorient en partenariat avec Plancton du Monde.


24 de mayo 2014: visita y charlas en Vinaroz, región de Valencia.