
Experiences collect on school food and the mobilization of the actors around the challenges posed by the collective catering in Latin America


How to articulate the fight against poverty and hunger with the challenges posed by the education of young children and by building sustainable food systems in literate, independent and healthy societies

Bearers of the initiative: Almedio


"According to the latest FAO data, there are 52 million undernourished people in Latin America, which represents 10% of its population. This average hides huge differences between countries in the most unequal continent in the world. While Argentina reached 2.4% of under-nutrition, Guatemala suffers from 23%. "


According to the World Food Programme of the United Nations (WFP), nutrition and education are the most productive investment for the future economy, as demonstrated prosperity found that many countries after the war, for example Germany, Japan and Finland. This prospect is more interesting because it occurs in a context marked by the growth of obesity among younger and complications related to the disease. According to 2006 estimates, there are currently more obese in developing countries and countries with economies in transition than in industrialized countries.


This reality is to be linked to the pervasiveness of fast consumer products, rich in fatty acids, poor in minerals, sometimes sold within schools. Fighting hunger in young people is a goal, promote healthy eating and sustainable is the issue that we must target.


Faced with this challenge, several initiatives have taken place in Latin America to break this cycle of endemic poverty and try to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set by the United Nations for 2015: The "Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar "and" Zero Hunger "in Brazil, the National Plan for Food Safety called" El hambre más Urgente "in Argentina, the Programme" Bogotá sin Hambre " in Colombia, and so on.


These experiences show how current is the fight against hunger and the need to define integrated public policies putting together the challenges of education with those posed by sustainable rural development and promoting a healthy and balanced consumption.


The collect of experiences provided by Almedio is part of the effort of Citizens`Earth  to make more sustainable food systems. It seeks to identify and link different issues:


  1. The structuring of a medium: In Brazil, for example, 30% local market is made up of agricultural family, involving 50 million children.
  2. Governance: In Brazil again, a commission is established by the State in the municipalities as a forum for discussion among parents, social workers, schools, individuals. In other countries, local governments are taking the initiative of setting up programmes on the territorial plan (Bogota).
  3. Active subsidiarity : At what point these initiatives involve them at local, regional, national, international?
  4. The networking of the initiatives? And when?
  5. An essential component is the identification of circuits to the consumption of family or biological  agricultural products.



Elements of agenda:

Launching the collect during 2008

To know the bearer of the initiative:

Synergy with others initiatives:
Mensa civica

Biological trade in Europe

Did you know?

La gestion en bien commun constitue aujourd’hui un patrimoine millénaire de connaissances citoyennes, de savoir-faire et de formes d’organisation et de régulation qui se projettent vers l’avenir - Voir la rencontre de Guérande. Lire+



Pour la Transition, une économie du partage de la connaissance et des biens communs.


Action de science participative originale menée à Brest et à Lorient en partenariat avec Plancton du Monde.


24 de mayo 2014: visita y charlas en Vinaroz, región de Valencia.