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La gestion en bien commun constitue aujourd’hui un patrimoine millénaire de connaissances citoyennes, de savoir-faire et de formes d’organisation et de régulation qui se projettent vers l’avenir - Voir la rencontre de Guérande. Lire+

Food sovereignty: the proposals

  • Food sovereignty requires the design and implementation of appropriate technology from a holistic view.
  • Food sovereignty should have a systemic approach and involve all stakeholders in the food chain (from producer to consumer) as well as political, legislative, etc.
  • Food sovereignty is an opportunity to produce a correlation of forces favorable to the empowerment of citizens as regards their food, territory, health ...
  • To defend access and social management of natural resources (land, water, seeds, etc)
  • Identify the proposals from areas of regional economic integration in terms of putting into practice policies for food sovereignty (MERCOSUR, ALBA, UNASUR, etc)
  • Introduce new elements in the definition of the concept of food sovereignty such as environmental, economic and related to market.
  • Enter the issue of food sovereignty in the academic world. Pedagogy is an attitude and not just a process. It is necessary to research more pedagogical approach that allows the peasantry to see, know and understand the farming systems.
  • Devise new institutional frameworks for negotiating food policies outside the WTO, that treat food only on a trade perspective.
  • Integrated into national constitutions, the right to food from the perspective of food sovereignty, knowingly, although this is no guarantee for its implementation.
  • Contribute to the development of a global convention on the law of food in the context of a future and necessary reform of the United Nations.
  • Integrate into the Global convention on right to food the entire food chain. Production, trade, processing, manufacturing, marketing and consumption are issues that must be integrated to address the specific problems of citizenship.
  • Building the principle of food subsidiarity as a concept to address the problem of hunger with the participation of citizens, not only locally but also nationally, regionally and internationally.
  • Promote the integration of training platforms (universities, institutes, corporate bodies) and educational systems to train community leaders at different levels and in a global and extensive perspective.
  • Food sovereignty is a set of policies whose implementation goes through the establishment of preconditions, in relation to human rights. Rights perspective disagrees with governments or with an institutional character.
  • There can be no legislative development and implementation of public policies for food sovereignty without the continued participation of the citizenry.


 See the following: the actors involved



Pour la Transition, une économie du partage de la connaissance et des biens communs.


Action de science participative originale menée à Brest et à Lorient en partenariat avec Plancton du Monde.


24 de mayo 2014: visita y charlas en Vinaroz, región de Valencia.