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Food Sovereignty: the challenges

  • Designing food sovereignty as a set of policies that promote changes in the current development model.
  • To address food sovereignty in an individual, family, neighborhood, municipal, national, regional and international levels of perspective.
  • Food sovereignty is not an end in itself but a new perspective for developing a food policy debate withnot -sensitized players.
  • Sovereignty should include a territorial and ethical dimension.
  • Establish a dialogue between those who advocate the policies of food security and sovereignty as a precondition for defining solutions to the food problem.
  • Food sovereignty means redefining the nature (Pachamama) as a matter of right, just like people.
  • In the African context the challenge is to preserve family farming and family, which is why we talk about agricultural sovereignty.
  • Promote food sovereignty implies knowing how to identify the opportunities that can lead to dialogue between different actors (including the opposite) for the benefit of citizenship (case of fishing after the tsunami in Chile).
  • Define food sovereignty policies taking into account the dietary patterns and not just the production models.
  • The food training should be directed not only students but also include parents and teachers.
  • How to integrate different levels of governance to be included in the definition of agricultural and food policy?
  • The consumer must know and understand not only the nutritional aspects of food but also the territorial and social aspects, etc.
  • Not to consider the access to natural resources isolated. It is also necessary to address the social management of it.
  • How to integrate non-organized citizens, raised in opposition to social organizations?.
  • Not to the agrarization of food sovereignty. Exclusively agricultural vision of food sovereignty diminish the diversity of perspectives (regional, etc.)
  • Food sovereignty should integrate multifunctional and multidimensional principles that are not strictly linked to food systems and the social distribution and use of land.
  • How to influence patterns of development? Food sovereignty is a set of political and ethical values that are not yet evolved into a policy proposal.
  • To build a theoretical concept of food sovereignty, the definition should be reviewed by integrating multidimensional and multifunctional aspects.
  • Food sovereignty should contact the academic world to develop.
  • Some challenges facing the food sovereignty for its future development: integrated access and management of natural resources, address the food chains in a multi-stakeholder perspective, integrating the World Trade Organization, catering, etc.


See more: proposals



Pour la Transition, une économie du partage de la connaissance et des biens communs.


Action de science participative originale menée à Brest et à Lorient en partenariat avec Plancton du Monde.


24 de mayo 2014: visita y charlas en Vinaroz, región de Valencia.