
EU Ecolabel


Support the work of the European Commission on the EU eco-label for responsible fishing

Bearers of the initiative:

Bruno Corréard, RFA Coordinator

In EU, ecolabels are coming into wide use in a number of sectors. Fisheries products are no exception to this trend. Such labels correspond to consumer expectations in terms of information and transparency, and can serve as a financial incentive for producers to switch to more responsible fishing practices. But their growing number and the objective realities they cover can be a source of confusion for the public. That is why the European Commission (EC) has initiated, a wide debate on the ecolabelling of fisheries products. 

3 options were considered by the EC:

  • Non-action and freedom to develop ecolabels schemes on the market, without any intervention and control
  • To create a unique EU ecolabel scheme
  • To establish minimum requirements for private ecolabels scheme, sort of “label of labels”.

Clearly in favor of option 3, the EC has mandated a Group of experts in charge of defining minimum requirements for “responsible fishing” ecolabel schemes in accordance with the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. If the minimum require- ments option is finally chosen (final decision must be adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union), the Commission will propose a breakdown of criteria into 5 points, in accordance with the FAO Guideline for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery products from Marine Capture Fisheries.

The Alliance for Responsible Fisheries, a member of the Panel of Experts, supports this initiative by the EC which should enable the establishment of eco-labels really honest, independent and non-discriminating. Once the definition of such minimum criteria, Germany has proposed to the EU institutions to test their relevance to actual conditions on the ground through its various initiatives (pilot projects in particular).

Founding Documents:

Explanation of the EU ecolabel project (PPT)(EN)(380Ko)

FAO ‘Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries', FAO, 1995.


Other documents of interest:

- FAO ‘Guidelines for eco-labelling of fishery products’, FAO, 2001.
- Final report of the expert group on ecolabelling for fishery products, Commission Européenne, 2006.


Relations with other allies:


- European Parliament, Fisheries Commission
- World Forum of fishermen and fisheries workers
- Other private ecolabels initiatives whose Marine Stewardship Council.


Scheduled elements:


2005/2006 - Working Group of Experts of the European Commission.
December 13, 2006 - Final Report of the Expert Group on 'Eco-labelling for fishey products'.

2007 - Draft paused by the European Commission. Pressure of Germany on the European institutions (European Commission and Parliament), so as not to totally abandon the project.

January 2008 - Public Statement of Mr. Rambaud - Head of Unit, Directorate General of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, European Commission - to restart the project. 

Did you know?

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24 de mayo 2014: visita y charlas en Vinaroz, región de Valencia.