
Action of dialogue of the actors of the primary productions land and sea


Make available scientific knowledge for farmers, fishermen and conchyliculteurs to regain water quality and sustainability of the coastal trades 

Bearers of the initiative:

Pierre Mollo, AGROCAMPUS

Professionals of the Sea and Land, strengths of their individual experiences and supported by teachers and scientists, are behind an association CAP 2000 (Conchyliculteurs, Farmers, Fishermen), founded in 2000 with the aim of improve and preserve water quality along the breton coast . This theme has naturally resulted in a more comprehensive reflection on the sustainability of primary sector activities in coastline.


The fisherman wants to understand the causes of the depletion of the resource. The contribution of scientific knowledge on plankton shows him the problem of imbalances in ecosystems resulting in the extinction of some species.
The conchyliculteur in talking with a farmer become aware that certain agricultural practices will have direct effects on the imbalance of media and the impact on the quality of its shellfish.
The farmer alerted the trades of the sea will set up a charter of good practices to continue to work without polluting.
To summarize, the water must be good to drink and good to live.

UNIVERS-SEL.  Guérande’s salt mine workers escort their fellow workers in Africa since 1988 to improve the salt production techniques and safeguard the fish feeding mangrove swamps.  In Benin, the solar technique to collect salt favorably replaced the fuel-based evaporation technique; this latter was unsuitable for that environment reality since you need 3 ton mangrove wood to produce 1 ton salt.  To restrain lakes deforestation and encourage mangrove trees new growth is essential.  This constitutes a new hope for those fishes feeding from mangrove roots and a new life for the fishers and their wives.

As a result of Benin’s encouraging experience, the Guérande’s salt mine workers developed the mangrove rice crop in the Republic of Guinea in 1994.

As a result of this meeting, the rice production raised over one third in the parcels of land provided.  The regulation, collection and drainage of fresh and salt water techniques proved the possibility to produce both rice and salt in parallel.  A sustainable development will put this idea at the service of the coastal population for a better lake resources management.

The Finisterre research: ‘EDULIS, an all-purpose bed at the service of the people’ is much useful to perpetuate these actions. ‘Edulis’ is the flat oyster name!   This project intends to restock the reduced living species in the Brittany coasts by means of an all-purpose bed development.  It is targeted to the creation of a regional fishing technical center supported by a technical multimedia platform equipped with a scientific outreach broadcasting unit.  Among the project different objectives we can name: to keep a coastal sustainable fishing and aquiculture activity, have a mass communication tool, support the meditation on tomorrow’s crafts, and capture a better biological learning of the production resources.

The farm-center of agricultural resources at risk, Kerlavic wants to become an innovative learning development tool.  Located near Quimber and in the middle of the Odet Basin, it opens a new discussion and meeting opportunity for the different agriculture, fishing, shellfish breeding, science, education, and civil society actors.  The mobile unit “Agri – bus” was inaugurated on March 2008.  This unit allows the recreate the in-situ exploitations « either in the crop fields or on the docks » and helps to develop a multimedia tool to provide a constant monitoring « from the smallest piece of land to the single water drop »

Relation with other allies:

Oceanopolis, Fishing & Development, UNIVERS-SEL, Port Louis Plankton Observatory, Fishing, Shellfish Breeding, and agriculture Professional Organizations.

Synergy with others initiatives:

Co-management of fisheries resources

To promote the sustainable management of forest resources in the region of Guiglo

Did you know?

Ces alliés peuvent être des organisations internationales, des organisations régionales, des organisations nationales ou locales. Lire+



Pour la Transition, une économie du partage de la connaissance et des biens communs.


Action de science participative originale menée à Brest et à Lorient en partenariat avec Plancton du Monde.


24 de mayo 2014: visita y charlas en Vinaroz, región de Valencia.