
World Forum of the producers of classified illicit crops


Debate on the future of small farmers of upland areas criminalized, and faced the problem of illicit crops classified, to consider alternatives to their development

Bearers of the initiative:

APMM (World Mountain People Association) - CERAI (Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional) - TNI (Transnational Institute) – FPH (Charles-Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Human Progress).

The First Forum Producers classified illicit crops (coca, poppy, cannabis) aims to enable farmers affected by the current policies:

Exchange and communicate on political and socio-economic issues pushing their communities to these forms of agriculture and widely inform world public opinion.

Questioning on the future of the people concerned: equitable and sustainable development of economies and rural areas, land reforms, alternative development, development of legitimate uses (cultural, medicinal and food) of these crops.

Develop proposals for different policies intended to be presented to official bodies concerned.

Structuring the communities concerned in associations and networks as interlocutors to authorities and national, regional and international organizations to make them actors of their own development.

To read more:

Please go to the FMPCDI sistematization site (in spanish)

Or read the political final statement.

Founding Document:

Call for support launched by the International Preparatory Committee, established at Valencia (Spain) on 30-31 March 2007.

Charter for World Mountain People (PDF)(FR)(23K)

Relations with other actors:

Support Committee:

  • Mission d´Aide au Développement des Économies Rurales (MADERA), France
  • The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), USA
  • Coalición Amazónica, USA
  • Colectivo Coca Soberanía, Bolivia
  • Consejo de Federaciones Campesinas de los Yungas (COFECAY), Bolivia
  • Mancomunidad de municipios de los Yungas, Bolivia
  • Asociación Civil Desarrollo Rural Sustentable (DRIS), Peru
  • Coalición Internacional de ONG´s para una política de Drogas Justa y Eficaz (ENCOD/ICN, 160 organisations), Belgium
  • Confederación Nacional del Seguro Social Campesino-Coordinadora Nacional Campesina (CONFEUNASSC-CNC), Ecuador
  • Proyecto Coca-Nasa del Cauca de Colombia, Colombia
  • Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (ONIC), Colombia
  • Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz (INDEPAZ), Colombia
  • Asociación para la Salvación Agropecuaria, Colombia
  • Grupo Semillas, Colombia
  • Asociación de Pequeños y Medianos Agricultores del Cauca (Agropemca), Colombia
  • Asociación de personas desplazadas del Guaviare (ASPODEGUA), Colombia

Scheduled elements:

January 2009

Synergy with others initiatives:

Governance and food

Did you know?

La gestion en bien commun constitue aujourd’hui un patrimoine millénaire de connaissances citoyennes, de savoir-faire et de formes d’organisation et de régulation qui se projettent vers l’avenir - Voir la rencontre de Guérande. Lire+



Pour la Transition, une économie du partage de la connaissance et des biens communs.


Action de science participative originale menée à Brest et à Lorient en partenariat avec Plancton du Monde.


24 de mayo 2014: visita y charlas en Vinaroz, región de Valencia.