
Strengthening the capacities of the small fishermen organizations


To help the small fishermen organizations from Central Africa to organize at the national and subregional level, to reinforce their capacities and to build a relation with the rural organizations

Bearers of the initiative:

- Jeanot MINLA MFOU’OU, APM Afrique network/UPAFA/CANADEL
- Kolyang PALEBALE, APM Afrique network/UPAFA/CNCPRT (Conseil national de Concertation des Producteurs ruraux du Tchad)

The old APM Mondial network become network Citizens' Earth, facilitated by Fph, we were in relation to the World forum of the small fishermen, and later with the ADEPA. These contacts and exchanges made us become aware of the place and the important role of the small fishermen as producers beside the farmers, the stockbreeders, etc

In the context of Central Africa, we realized that nearly the total of the eleven countries of the Economic community of the States of Africa Centrale (Cameroun, Chad, Gabon, Guinea Equatoriale, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Angola, São Tomé and Principe) abounded in populations which live primarily of  artisanal fishing from rivers, lakes or the sea.

Contrary to the rural movement in construction in this subregion, the organizations of small fishermen of Central Africa are the subject of little attention from the partners, who have very few actions directed towards this category of actors (apart from FAO).

In addition, the small fishermen, in spite of their number and their contribution from the economic and food safety point of view, are absent from debates and other dialogues to elaborate public policies of development in general, and those relating to fishing in particular.

Lastly, these small fishermen hardly exchange with their African and international counterparts. They are isolated from the world although they work in a sector where the international influence is very strong in the current context of mundialization.

Regarding all this, we initiated a work of diagnosis of the small fishermen situation in 4 countries (to start): Gabon, Chad, Cameroon, Congo. This work was carried out by a team of consultants recruited thanks to a financing of Fph. The results are very revealing of the situation which prevails in the area. It will be exposed at the time of a subregional workshop, along with a strategy and a work work plan prepared accordingly. At the time of this workshop various partners will be invited, in particular the ADEPA and the World forum of the Fishermen.

Documents fondateurs:

State of artisanal fisheries in Central Africa– Report (PDF)(FR)(304K)

Relationship with other allied members:

ADEPA to share the experience of West Africa Organization of small-scale fishermen around Lake Victoria, World Forum of Fishermen Project subregional workshop

Scheduled elements:

Currently, we are seeking financing for the subregional workshop. 

Did you know?

Ces alliés peuvent être des organisations internationales, des organisations régionales, des organisations nationales ou locales. Lire+



Pour la Transition, une économie du partage de la connaissance et des biens communs.


Action de science participative originale menée à Brest et à Lorient en partenariat avec Plancton du Monde.


24 de mayo 2014: visita y charlas en Vinaroz, región de Valencia.