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Ces alliés peuvent être des organisations internationales, des organisations régionales, des organisations nationales ou locales. Lire+

Actualités Pêche et Développement

News Fishing and Development


All the news about the fishing, aquaculture, fisheries resources, actors, and policies concerning them, published by the Collectif Pêche et Développement.


Actualités de l'eau

News on water


Independent platform for information and references on the issue of water in a global level, from a point of view of justice, democracy and sustainability. Items are listed in a bank of experience sheets - DPH. It is part of Coredem - Confederation of websites for a worldwide democracy.


Actualités de l'eau

News Rinoceros


Rinoceros is the Ritimo information portal for citizens’ initiatives; its aim is to help to build another world. It is part of Coredem - Confederation of websites for a worldwide democracy. 


To find an information you can access to a resource site of our partners:

DPH : site for global citizenship

COREDEM: confederation of sites for a worldwide democracy